Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Action Planning Template

Overresprentation of African American students in Special Education
After meeting with my site supervisor I started talking staff members about selected students I wanted to do research on. I think this research plan will benefit the school and the district to discover different intervention for these students.
Action Planning Template

Goal: To evaluate our special education program. To see why so many African American students are in the program.

Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Gather information from school and district.

March 2013


Collect Data
from my school
and district to
Determine what can be done.
Interview Special Education ARD committee

March 2013

November 2013
To see what the school/district wide policy for referring students.
Interview the School Counselor

April 2013
Determine the amount of these students enroll in Sped.
Select a group of students and teacher to determine what can be done to improve school success.

April 2013

June 2013
Find out how the school climate may effect educational progress.
Accumulate data and create a report to present to the school and district.

January 2014
Determine problematic issues and plan professional development activities to address them.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How educational leaders might use blogs?
Just looking at the amount time educators have to work with on a daily basis, blogs can serve as an outlet as well a powerful form of professional development. Educational leaders can use blogs on a regular basis to learn from the dialogue and always engaging gaining insight on what they have learned and share it with others. Sharing with other administrators about what they learn and also learn how other administrators think.
More about what I have learned about action research and how you might use it.

Use the Action Research:
  • Use for protocols to examine students and educators work.
  • Use it to discover and address problems and take action to address them.
  • A chance for the principal to be connected and be aware about what's going on in their building.
  • Use to check during those testing months in the spring and the feeling of the staff being stress at the end of the year.
  • When new initiatives are introduce to the staff, you are able to get good data to understand how they are working.
  • Teachers are able to introduce new and creative ideas to get feedback from the other member of the staff.
  • To express the needs of the building, how to setting up tutoring for failing students , how do to rotate teachers so the teachers aren't doing it all the time. Also how to rotate duty station. Help with morale.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Upon doing my reading about the Action Research I have learn quite a bit. Starting with seeking out a change you would like to happen, Action Research helps you gain useful insight.
Action Research:

  • Helps teachers gain better understanding of themselves and their teaching practices.
  • Helps administrators  can use it to gain deeper insights into their practices.
  • Administrators and teachers can focus on student achievement and support reflective practices.
  • Provides an opportunities to work, discuss, and solve problems with other administrators and teachers.
  • Gives administrator a voice of the people who work in the trenches of the school building on a daily basis, the teachers.
  • Usually brings about change of some kind.